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Quality Control

EWellChips Electronics know that there are many fake parts in the all electronics supply chain, which would have caused serious issues and bad consequences for customers. Therefore, we strongly request to control the quality of each product must be safe and reliable, new and original before shipment.

White Horse CECCLab

EWellChips Electronics has partnered with Whitehorse Labs and CECC Labs to support our global sourcing and supply chain management commitment to our customers. EWellChips established a testing, inspection and packaging business unit to respond to the growing number of substandard and counterfeit electronic components.

"Quality First". EWellchips Electronics can provide test reports and product quality verification for virtually all components prior to shipment, when required. EWellchips Electronics' testing services include a secure network of third-party certified labs/facilities that support our comprehensive distribution network. This extensive network provides expert product testing of incoming products to ensure customers have risk-free exposure time after time. Electronic component quality testing is done to identify any non-conforming material and to verify that all manufacturer's specifications are met. Product samples are also randomly selected and regularly tested to ensure product consistency and document on-site quality control.

Part Test Process

External Visual Inspection
External Visual Inspection
HD Visual Inspection
HD Visual Inspection
Solderability Inspection
Solderability Inspection
HCT-Chemical Wipe Inspection
HCT-Chemical Wipe Inspection
Open-Short Test
Open-Short Test
Programming Function Testing
Programming Function Testing

No matter how reliable the surface of the goods looks, Ewellchips will conduct a series of tests by ourself, or entrust a professional third-party testing organization for testing, such as: Solderability test, to prevent oxidation and ensure the reliability of soldering; Marking permanency test,to prevent refurbished parts.

X-Ray test will also come if needed,etc.
